Farm For Sale: Meningie, SA 5264
"Yarindale" 1779.3 Ha Meningie
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1,779.30 ha
Yarindale is a well known upper South East holding, having been taken up & developed by Sir Bartin Pope. It was considered in these times of Hunter River Lucerne as the showplace of the district. It is in the heart of the area known as Field' which is recognised as one of the healthiest areas for livestock production in "out of season" pursuits. Yarindale's flat heavier loamy paddocks would be suited to cropping.
Generally flat to slightly undulating sand & sandy loam over clay with little limestone outcrops. Large areas of heavier loamy flats are suitable for continuous cropping. Good shade & shelter belts of gums & water mallee have been left for shade & shelter but generally all of property is arable.
Improvements include a 5 br t/f home, which has been heavily insulated & is in good order. In garden setting, steel cattle yards, 6 stand shearing shed & yards, 14 bed shearers quarters, machinery shed - workshop & pit, storage shed & hay shed
Fencing is well equipped with a central laneway running North South of the complete length of the property with 2 paddocks on each side. Fenced into 40 paddocks. Most of boundary fence is almost new cyclone plain 3 barbs. Sub-divisional & laneway fences vary in age & quality depending on when upgraded or are due for upgrade.
There are 3 water meters supplying mains water to a series of concrete tanks from which water is reticulated to each paddock in 1 1/2" poly. The remains of 8 wells varying in depth from 5ft to 18ft are visible as some were equipped with small windmills & could be upgraded with solar equipment. All paddocks watered with good flow & watering system
Generally flat to slightly undulating sand & sandy loam over clay with little limestone outcrops. Large areas of heavier loamy flats are suitable for continuous cropping. Good shade & shelter belts of gums & water mallee have been left for shade & shelter but generally all of property is arable.
Improvements include a 5 br t/f home, which has been heavily insulated & is in good order. In garden setting, steel cattle yards, 6 stand shearing shed & yards, 14 bed shearers quarters, machinery shed - workshop & pit, storage shed & hay shed
Fencing is well equipped with a central laneway running North South of the complete length of the property with 2 paddocks on each side. Fenced into 40 paddocks. Most of boundary fence is almost new cyclone plain 3 barbs. Sub-divisional & laneway fences vary in age & quality depending on when upgraded or are due for upgrade.
There are 3 water meters supplying mains water to a series of concrete tanks from which water is reticulated to each paddock in 1 1/2" poly. The remains of 8 wells varying in depth from 5ft to 18ft are visible as some were equipped with small windmills & could be upgraded with solar equipment. All paddocks watered with good flow & watering system
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