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Farm For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401

Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401 Business For Sale: Salter Springs, SA 5401


Contact agent

281.20 ha
Spence Dix and Co have for sale "Michaels" 281.2 Ha located approx 16 kms from Balaklava on the Salter Springs Road.
Michaels is bounded by the Salter Springs road on the northern side and the Wakefield River
on the Eastern and Southern sides.
It is considered strong cropping and grazing country in a 450 mm rainfall area.
Soils are principally sandy loam to heavy red brown loam areas, alluvial flats and some iron
stone outcrops.
Michaels is undulating to rises with gully/drainage area with sloping areas contour banked.
The property has been stone picked leaving it easy to manage for cropping.
It is considered 202 ha of Michaels is good quality cropping ground including 24 Ha of
alluvial flats adjacent the Wakefield River. The balance is rising ground with stony outcrops.
It should be noted that there are areas the NRM board have fenced and/or have agreed to
fence. These areas can be lightly grazed and do not influence the excellent productivity of the
property. Purchasers should conduct their own investigation as to the areas being covered by
NRM agreements.
Water is supplied via mains with access to two water holes on the Wakefield River
supplementing the water system. There is a water easement through the neighbors. A new
water meter is being installed on the northern boundary. Pipeline on new line is 32 mm.
There are five new concrete troughs.
Fencing is a mixture of timber posts, star/flat droppers, two barbs and three plain wires plus
pine posts star droppers, barb and plain wire. There are also some flat steel droppers with two
plain wires and cyclone.
Wheat, Canola, Beans and Lupins are grown on Michaels with yields this year at 5 t/ha of
Wheat on the flats and 4 t/ha of Wheat on the rises. It is considered the average yields of
Wheat and Barley on Michaels is around 3.8 t/ha.
The rotation is usually two years pasture and two years crop. The pasture country is heavy
carrying and consists of sub clovers and medics.
The improvements on Michaels include:
? The two silos will remain with the property.
? The fertiliser silos will be removed.
? Implement shed.
There are fences on Michaels that are not on the correct boundaries. These are mainly along
the river. Intending purchasers should make themselves aware of these incorrect boundaries
and future NRM board activities.
Michaels presents croppers & graziers with the opportunity to purchase quality, well managed, clean country in a reliable, high yielding grain, export hay & legume producing area. Both properties are ideally located for grain, hay & livestock marketing.
The property will be offered for sale by auction on the 25th February 2014 at the Balaklava Sporting Complex at 1pm.
For inspection and further details contact Peter Taylor 0418 794 293

Contact Owner/Agent

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