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Farm For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517

Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517 Business For Sale: Carnamah, WA 6517

AUCTION - "INNERING" 572.34 HA (1414 AC)


0.00 acres
The Quality productive soils of "Innering" are being offered for sale by auction on the 19th February 2025.

"Innering", being Lot 801 on Deposited Plan 425308, Volume 4047, Folio 609, is located 16 kilometres east of Carnamah.

The picturesque, undulating property has a reliable history of productive yields and the ability to service livestock.

Six paddocks make up the layout of the farm with adequate boundary and internal fencing.

Water requirements for the property is provided by two equipped windmills and a "central dam", supplemented by approximately 300 to 350 ml rainfall.

The original vegetation of Salmon, Jam - York gum lends the soils to be described as medium to heavy country, on undulating topography, which is ideal for cropping and livestock enterprises.

"Innering" would be a desirable addition to the astute farmer to add to their portfolio.

To be held at 11am on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025.

Contact Owner/Agent

"*" indicates required fields