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Farm For Sale: Marama, SA 5307

Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307 Business For Sale: Marama, SA 5307


Contact agent

0.00 acres

As a Whole - 704.2 Ha. or 1,740 Acres, - $900,000 or $517/Ac or in 2 Contingent Lots
Main Section 29 - 479.2 Ha. or 1,184 Acres, - $660,000 or $551/Ac
Section 32 - 225 Ha. or 556 Acres - $350,000 or $629/Ac

Settlement ASAP By Negotiation
10% Deposit

Located approximately 18.4 kms s.e. of Karoonda fronting the bitumen Kulkami Road, (Karoonda-Lameroo Road),
10 kms. west of Marama, and 50 n.w. of Lameroo. Graded dirt Humphrys Road, is along portion of eastern boundary.

Located in an approximately 346 mm, mean average rainfall.

Water supplied by a bore equipped with a submersible, poly tank on stand, then gravity to all paddocks, mostly concrete troughs.

Flat to gently undulating red sandy loams over clay, and heavier red/brown loam flats.

Fenced into 9 paddocks, generally stock proof 5 line ringlock, barb, steel and pine posts, with 6 on Sec. 29, 3 on Sec 32.
Has had a history of mixed farming, barley, with past Lessee reporting some outstanding yields, and grazing of Merinos,
for merino and cross bred lambs, or medic clovers and grasses.

Currently approximately 243 Ha. or 600 Acres of Barley & Rye sown for feed, with all of Sec 32,
and approximately 23 Ha. on Sec. 29, which will pass with the property. Sheep could be negotiated.

Mains power to bore and shed, there is an old bush timber Shearing shed, 2 stand, (not equipped),
concrete wool room, minor implement storage. There is a set of post and mesh sheep yards, with ramp.

Well positioned, ideal size add-on or starter property, healthy Mallee soft barley and grazing country at great value, with bonus feed sown.

For more information and Inspections by appointment contact

Greg Window 0427 582 177 or

Ryan Llewellyn 0407 700 939

Contact Owner/Agent

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