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Farm For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266

Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266 Business For Sale: Tintinara, SA 5266

For Sale by Auction "Wyarama" Tintinara. Cattle, Hay & Lucerne Seed

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656.10 ha
Spence Dix and Co have for Sale - "Wyarama" Tintinara.
The property is approximately 656.1 ha (1621 acres approx)"Wyarama" has a comfortable besser brick three bedroom home with entertaining area and a three car garage.
Extensive steel cattle yards constructed of railway iron posts and tube/pipe rails. Under cover working area with cement base. Long under cover race with crush and weighing equipment. Calf marking cradle, loading and unloading ramps. Yards watered. The yards can handle large numbers of cattle and have lights for 24 hour movement of stock.
Cattle shed with seven pens with feed troughs and water. Cement floor. Staff room. Hardiplank Office.
Implement shed about 18m x 9m with cement floor and raised area on one end. Enclosed on three sides. Power connected.
Implement shed about 13m x 9m. Cement floor. Enclosed three sides. Power connected.
Implement shed about 18m x 12m. two thirds cement floor one third dirt.
Ramp for loading/unloading equipment.
Hay shed about 15m x 12m
2 seed silos.
Livestock water is supplied from a bore near the yards. There is a submersible pump that supplies water to tanks and watering points. The property has a 333,989 kl water taking irrigation licence.
There is 56,000 kl Taking Intensive Animal Keeping licence.
There are four mains water outlets.
There are three, twenty hectare pivot circles sown to lucerne. Two of the circles have been clayed..
Wyarama" has good quality stock water supplied through a submersible pump pushing water to tanks and watering points. There are also four mains water outlets
Pastures are approx two thirds lucerne and one third veldt. Approx 69 Ha have been sown to lucerne for dryland seed, hay production and cattle finishing.
The fencing is mainly three barbs and pine posts suitable for cattle.
The property will be auctioned on Wednesday 4th December 2013 at 1pm, at the Tintinara Hall

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