Farm For Sale: Grenfell, NSW 2810
70.36 ha
70.36 ha.'s of mostly level, highly productive rural farming and grazing land around 95% arable. Over 2.5 klm's of creek frontage with regular water flow + 3 dams. Soundly fenced to be stockproof plus northern boundary has a high exclusion fence. Last year's crop was highly yielding barley. Currently stocked with cattle. Good shade and shelter with a small stand of cypress pine. Sealed road frontage and not much more than 20 klm's to Grenfell and less than 50 klm's to Young. Extra acres (maybe 9 acres) in a crown land lease plus a further 33 acres bonus with included creek. An ideal add on or second block for cropping, livestock and fodder production. Make your move.
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