Farm For Sale: Keith, SA 5267
Irrigation, Wool, lambs, Cropping, Lucerne hay and seed
Contact agent
3,759.53 ha
3760 HA “Coolami” 9290 Acres
Keith South East SA
Irrigation, Wool, lambs, Cropping, Lucerne hay and seed
794.9 Meg Water Licence, Quality safe water Suitable for Potatoes, onions, carrots, Dairy Conversion
• Located approximately 64km North East of Keith & 63km North of Bordertown & 79km South of Pinnaroo just off the Ngarkat highway in a 420mm average rainfall area,
• Quality underground irrigation water between averages less than 700 mg/l, 160 Ha of centre pivot irrigation serviced by 2 towable Reinke centre pivots watering 4 circles of lucerne for hay and seed
• Approximately 500 acres of Barley, oats or rye corn under sown with clovers for sheep feed, currently well understocked supporting a good cover of feed
• Flat to gently undulating country with approximately 1000 acres of heavier red and grey clay loam that has been cropped in the past, with remainder grey sandy loam over clay, 880 Ha of heritage scrub and appox 800 Ha grazed regrowth
• Good quality fencing, double steel swinging gates with rubble laneway, pastures consist Veldt grass, grasses and clovers
• Improvements include a 4 bedroom homestead with pool in a park like setting, a 100’x 30 machinery shed on rubble pad, 2 stand shearing shed, sheep yards, large silo
A rare opportunity to purchase a substantial holding offering versatility in the states south east with safe, quality and quantity of underground water suitable for horticulture or drought proof your operation, Inspection highly recommended
Expression of Interest closes Friday 12th July 2019 at 1 pm Elders Keith (unless sold prior)
Details Elders Keith RLA 62833 Ph 08 87550110 Mike Lind 0408892362
Keith South East SA
Irrigation, Wool, lambs, Cropping, Lucerne hay and seed
794.9 Meg Water Licence, Quality safe water Suitable for Potatoes, onions, carrots, Dairy Conversion
• Located approximately 64km North East of Keith & 63km North of Bordertown & 79km South of Pinnaroo just off the Ngarkat highway in a 420mm average rainfall area,
• Quality underground irrigation water between averages less than 700 mg/l, 160 Ha of centre pivot irrigation serviced by 2 towable Reinke centre pivots watering 4 circles of lucerne for hay and seed
• Approximately 500 acres of Barley, oats or rye corn under sown with clovers for sheep feed, currently well understocked supporting a good cover of feed
• Flat to gently undulating country with approximately 1000 acres of heavier red and grey clay loam that has been cropped in the past, with remainder grey sandy loam over clay, 880 Ha of heritage scrub and appox 800 Ha grazed regrowth
• Good quality fencing, double steel swinging gates with rubble laneway, pastures consist Veldt grass, grasses and clovers
• Improvements include a 4 bedroom homestead with pool in a park like setting, a 100’x 30 machinery shed on rubble pad, 2 stand shearing shed, sheep yards, large silo
A rare opportunity to purchase a substantial holding offering versatility in the states south east with safe, quality and quantity of underground water suitable for horticulture or drought proof your operation, Inspection highly recommended
Expression of Interest closes Friday 12th July 2019 at 1 pm Elders Keith (unless sold prior)
Details Elders Keith RLA 62833 Ph 08 87550110 Mike Lind 0408892362
Contact Owner/Agent
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