Farm For Sale: Yumali, SA 5261
572.70 ha
Spence Dix and Co offer for sale "Lotsarox" - 572.7 Ha of excellent mixed farming country.
Lotsarox is flat to gently undulating, brown loam over limestone with some darker red
heavier flats. There are small areas of sand.
The property is arable except for the shelter belts.
425 mm to 450 mm rainfall area
Mainly cyclone and barb with pine posts, steel posts or poly spacers.
Fenced in to ten paddocks, all watered.
Mains water. Meter on Frost Road. Cement troughs. Mainly one inch poly pipeline.
Land Use:
Lotsarox is the ideal mixed farming property. Very good wool and prime lamb country,
excellent cropping ground and produces quality export hay.
The lessee has been growing Wheat, Barley, Canola, Beans and lupins. Considered a low frost risk property.
Yields are averaging 2.5t/ha for wheat, 2.5 t/ha for barley and around four to five t/ha for
export hay.
With about 95% of the property being cropped annually for the last ten years, the fertiliser and weed control programmes have ensured the purchaser has a property ready to produce.
Pastures are sub clover and some vetch. Sheep are grazed on stubbles. Very healthy grazing country.
Three bedroom Stone home. One bedroom with fireplace. Kitchen,pantry, dishwasher.
Office/Lounge room with wood fire, built in cabinet. Bathroom. Store room. Reverse cycle
air conditioner in the kitchen. Ducted heat transfer system from lounge room to bedrooms.
Ceiling fans in the lounge room and bedrooms. Linen press.
Block with laundry, toilet, shower, fourth bedroom.
Mains and rainwater to home. Four rainwater tanks . Pumped to overhead tank for pressure
to the house. ( Not a pressure pump)
Three stand electric overhead shearing shed. Grinder. Steel sheep yards. Basic cattle yards.
Steel frame implement shed/workshop 100ft x 40 ft. Part concrete floor, pit, power.
Steel frame implement shed 80ft x 30 ft.
Steel frame Header shed 30 ft x 30ft.
Chemical shed with mains water access.
Utility shed
Underground unleaded 2000l tank with hand pump.
3 x 180 bag silos. 2 x 90 bag silos. 1 x 60 bag silo.
Car shed
Old POW ruins in front paddock.
Expressions of interest close on the 27th February 2014.
Lotsarox is flat to gently undulating, brown loam over limestone with some darker red
heavier flats. There are small areas of sand.
The property is arable except for the shelter belts.
425 mm to 450 mm rainfall area
Mainly cyclone and barb with pine posts, steel posts or poly spacers.
Fenced in to ten paddocks, all watered.
Mains water. Meter on Frost Road. Cement troughs. Mainly one inch poly pipeline.
Land Use:
Lotsarox is the ideal mixed farming property. Very good wool and prime lamb country,
excellent cropping ground and produces quality export hay.
The lessee has been growing Wheat, Barley, Canola, Beans and lupins. Considered a low frost risk property.
Yields are averaging 2.5t/ha for wheat, 2.5 t/ha for barley and around four to five t/ha for
export hay.
With about 95% of the property being cropped annually for the last ten years, the fertiliser and weed control programmes have ensured the purchaser has a property ready to produce.
Pastures are sub clover and some vetch. Sheep are grazed on stubbles. Very healthy grazing country.
Three bedroom Stone home. One bedroom with fireplace. Kitchen,pantry, dishwasher.
Office/Lounge room with wood fire, built in cabinet. Bathroom. Store room. Reverse cycle
air conditioner in the kitchen. Ducted heat transfer system from lounge room to bedrooms.
Ceiling fans in the lounge room and bedrooms. Linen press.
Block with laundry, toilet, shower, fourth bedroom.
Mains and rainwater to home. Four rainwater tanks . Pumped to overhead tank for pressure
to the house. ( Not a pressure pump)
Three stand electric overhead shearing shed. Grinder. Steel sheep yards. Basic cattle yards.
Steel frame implement shed/workshop 100ft x 40 ft. Part concrete floor, pit, power.
Steel frame implement shed 80ft x 30 ft.
Steel frame Header shed 30 ft x 30ft.
Chemical shed with mains water access.
Utility shed
Underground unleaded 2000l tank with hand pump.
3 x 180 bag silos. 2 x 90 bag silos. 1 x 60 bag silo.
Car shed
Old POW ruins in front paddock.
Expressions of interest close on the 27th February 2014.
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