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Farm For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583

Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583 Business For Sale: Peelwood, NSW 2583

High Rainfall Property

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347.00 ha

CBRE Agribusiness is pleased to be exclusively appointed to present For Sale, “Cooksvale East” (the Property). The Property is situated in the Upper Lachlan Council comprising 347* hectares and is located 55* kilometres from Crookwell, 99* kilometres from Goulburn, 167* kilometres from Canberra and 294* kilometres from Sydney.

The Property offers a good balance of productive creek flats along the Cooksvale Creek rising to timbered hill grazing country in a high rainfall zone. The Property features steel cattle yards, large steel machinery shed, fenced laneway system, historic shearing shed and quarters and a two-bedroom cottage and adjoining one-bedroom quarters.

Key Investment Highlights:

- Total land area of 346.51* hectares (856.23* acres)
- Average Annual Rainfall of 764* millimetres
- Water is provided by frontage to Cooks Vale Creek and Joes Creek, and surface dams
- Topography is undulating rising to steep hills with elevation ranging from 627* metres to 784* metres above sea level
- Soil types comprise of granite derived brown-yellow-red sandy loam soils
- Pastures predominately comprise of native species including wallaby grass, weeping grass, red grass, poa tussock, kangaroo grass, spear grass and wire grass and improved pastures species including Italian rye grass and Arrowleaf clover
- Native timber comprises of Central Tableland Red Stringybark Grassy Forest and Tableland Granites Grassy Box Woodlands
- Working improvements include steel cattle yards, machinery shed, hay shed, grain silos and a fenced laneway system
- Accommodation includes a 2-bedroom weatherboard cottage with adjoining 1-bedroom quarters
- Weekender distance from Canberra via A3 Motorway and Sydney via M31 Motorway

“Cooksvale East” presents an entry level grazing opportunity or may have potential for biodiversity conservation, a carbon project, plantation forestry or recreational activities such as hunting and camping.


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