Farm For Sale: Yatina, SA 5422
Yatina Block
316.87 ha
Yatina block is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Jamestown and 8 kilometres north west of Yongala.
- Total land size 783 acres / 316 hectares*
- 375 arable acres*, 20 acres* planted salt bush with balance comprising bush grazing
- Flat to gently rising arable land with hills grazing.
- Productive red/brown loam soil types.
- Watered via 2 equipped bores and 1 dam.
- Fenced into 3 paddocks with holding paddock and saltbush paddock.
- Stone implement shed.
- Excellent access via 2 road frontages and close to livestock markets.
- Would be an ideal add on for an existing cropping and grazing enterprise.
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Due 12pm Thursday 22nd February 2024
Rural Selling Agent – James Wardle 0407 362 105
Inspections by appointment only
Information Memorandum available upon request
*denotes approximate
Property Code: 9595
- Total land size 783 acres / 316 hectares*
- 375 arable acres*, 20 acres* planted salt bush with balance comprising bush grazing
- Flat to gently rising arable land with hills grazing.
- Productive red/brown loam soil types.
- Watered via 2 equipped bores and 1 dam.
- Fenced into 3 paddocks with holding paddock and saltbush paddock.
- Stone implement shed.
- Excellent access via 2 road frontages and close to livestock markets.
- Would be an ideal add on for an existing cropping and grazing enterprise.
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Due 12pm Thursday 22nd February 2024
Rural Selling Agent – James Wardle 0407 362 105
Inspections by appointment only
Information Memorandum available upon request
*denotes approximate
Property Code: 9595
Contact Owner/Agent
"*" indicates required fields