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Farm For Sale: Wynarka, SA 5306
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1,618.31 ha
Situated at 769 and 770 Heym Road on the highly regarded southern slopes of the Marmon-Jabuk range. These two properties, are a well-balanced cropping and grazing enterprise, with the added benefit of a having a 3500 head sheep feedlot already in place. Located just 20 minutes away from a major grain receival hub at Tailem Bend and the farm is a stone's throw away from bitumen roads.
The property positioned in a reliable 350mm rainfall area, and they will be offered as a whole, or as two separate non-contingent lots.
"Tandanya" in total is 677.4 ha or 1,673.85 acres and is one separate title. "Illa Langi" is another separate title and consists of 940.9 ha or 2,325 acres
The cropping country on the property has been well managed in conjunction with a large sheep operation and has a terrific medic base. This country is well suited to growing Lentils, Canola, Wheat, Barley and Vetch for hay and pasture.
The soils consist of red brown loams over clay and limestone, plus some loamy sands over clay with the clay being easily in grasp of a delver. There is some rising country that has been fenced well to soil type and these areas have excellent and thick Veldt grass pastures.
Broken up into 44 main paddocks, the fencing is in good to average stock proof condition. There is also a recently constructed 3500 head sheep feedlot on "Illa Langi" with a brand new set of Magnus yards adjacent.
The two properties have been ran as one and the owners have consistently been running approximately 1200 Ewes, whilst still cropping around 1300 acres also. The amount of cropping could easily be increased.
Very good quality underground water is pumped to the top of the property and with water being provided with terrific flows. The property has secured mains water also.
The capital improvements on the farm consist of a 4-stand shearing shed and multiple other implement/hay shedding. The Magnus yards adjacent to the Feedlot are almost brand new.
There is two homes on the properties that are very comfortable and both have had recent internal renovations completed.
"Tandanya" and "Illa Langi" are well-cared for, mix of cropping and warm breeding and grazing country, it has well set up and balanced capital infrastructure and represents a unique opportunity to acquire a well-managed farm that is in good health. The slopes of the Marmon-Jabuk range have always been well regarded for their reduced frost risk, and soil types.
Please contact Alastair Johnson on 0427 609 751 to organise an inspection.
The property positioned in a reliable 350mm rainfall area, and they will be offered as a whole, or as two separate non-contingent lots.
"Tandanya" in total is 677.4 ha or 1,673.85 acres and is one separate title. "Illa Langi" is another separate title and consists of 940.9 ha or 2,325 acres
The cropping country on the property has been well managed in conjunction with a large sheep operation and has a terrific medic base. This country is well suited to growing Lentils, Canola, Wheat, Barley and Vetch for hay and pasture.
The soils consist of red brown loams over clay and limestone, plus some loamy sands over clay with the clay being easily in grasp of a delver. There is some rising country that has been fenced well to soil type and these areas have excellent and thick Veldt grass pastures.
Broken up into 44 main paddocks, the fencing is in good to average stock proof condition. There is also a recently constructed 3500 head sheep feedlot on "Illa Langi" with a brand new set of Magnus yards adjacent.
The two properties have been ran as one and the owners have consistently been running approximately 1200 Ewes, whilst still cropping around 1300 acres also. The amount of cropping could easily be increased.
Very good quality underground water is pumped to the top of the property and with water being provided with terrific flows. The property has secured mains water also.
The capital improvements on the farm consist of a 4-stand shearing shed and multiple other implement/hay shedding. The Magnus yards adjacent to the Feedlot are almost brand new.
There is two homes on the properties that are very comfortable and both have had recent internal renovations completed.
"Tandanya" and "Illa Langi" are well-cared for, mix of cropping and warm breeding and grazing country, it has well set up and balanced capital infrastructure and represents a unique opportunity to acquire a well-managed farm that is in good health. The slopes of the Marmon-Jabuk range have always been well regarded for their reduced frost risk, and soil types.
Please contact Alastair Johnson on 0427 609 751 to organise an inspection.
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