Farm For Sale: Cowra, NSW 2794
Graze and Grain
556.00 ha
LAWD is pleased to present the opportunity to purchase Lawling Vale South (The Property).
The physical flexibility of the Property is reflected in its current production of prime lambs, winter cereals, & canola.
Production flexibility underpinned by arable area of Property (69*%) and quality soils, allowing a strategic management plan to utilize both grazing and cropping to maximise financial returns.
With a recent history of fertiliser application (up to 525kg/ha*), over the past three years, combined with a non-seasonal rainfall, (670*millimetres), and weed management, the new owner will be able to fully utilise its productive capacity.
Current management has a focus on prime lamb production, with lambing percentages of 155%* and a carrying capacity of 15*DSE/hectare (dry sheep equivalent).
Cropping has been utilised to support the prime lamb production with dual purpose cereal crops and canola sown to supplement the winter feed demand.
Grain only crops are also sown.
Lawling Vale South is subdivided into 26* paddocks with significant fencing having occurred over the past three years. If not new the fences are all in good condition. Water is available to stock in all paddocks.
Secure water for stock and operations is supplied from multiple sources including reticulated river water to troughs, frontage to Boorowa River, creeks, and dams.
Fit for purpose infrastructure includes, sheep yards & silos.
Lawling Vale South is offered for sale via private treaty.
For further information on this exciting opportunity please contact the agents listed below.
The physical flexibility of the Property is reflected in its current production of prime lambs, winter cereals, & canola.
Production flexibility underpinned by arable area of Property (69*%) and quality soils, allowing a strategic management plan to utilize both grazing and cropping to maximise financial returns.
With a recent history of fertiliser application (up to 525kg/ha*), over the past three years, combined with a non-seasonal rainfall, (670*millimetres), and weed management, the new owner will be able to fully utilise its productive capacity.
Current management has a focus on prime lamb production, with lambing percentages of 155%* and a carrying capacity of 15*DSE/hectare (dry sheep equivalent).
Cropping has been utilised to support the prime lamb production with dual purpose cereal crops and canola sown to supplement the winter feed demand.
Grain only crops are also sown.
Lawling Vale South is subdivided into 26* paddocks with significant fencing having occurred over the past three years. If not new the fences are all in good condition. Water is available to stock in all paddocks.
Secure water for stock and operations is supplied from multiple sources including reticulated river water to troughs, frontage to Boorowa River, creeks, and dams.
Fit for purpose infrastructure includes, sheep yards & silos.
Lawling Vale South is offered for sale via private treaty.
For further information on this exciting opportunity please contact the agents listed below.
Contact Owner/Agent
"*" indicates required fields