Farm For Sale: Nanneella, Vic 3561
Perfect Starter.
38.00 ha
• Approximately 38HA (94 acres) of prime Wanalta and Nanneella fine sandy loam soils. Some of the regions’ most productive and versatile farming ground.
Perfect to continue dairying, livestock fattening or any form of cropping/fodder production required.
• 3-bedroom B/V home located amongst established gardens. Steel machinery/workshop (18m x 8m).
• 10 A/Side operating dairy, 4800 ltr fridgrite vat and auto feed system.
• Laser graded irrigation layout, fenced into good sized paddocks, excellent shade trees throughout. Serviced by the GMW 1A irrigation scheme.
Perfect to continue dairying, livestock fattening or any form of cropping/fodder production required.
• 3-bedroom B/V home located amongst established gardens. Steel machinery/workshop (18m x 8m).
• 10 A/Side operating dairy, 4800 ltr fridgrite vat and auto feed system.
• Laser graded irrigation layout, fenced into good sized paddocks, excellent shade trees throughout. Serviced by the GMW 1A irrigation scheme.
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