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Farm For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871

Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Forbes, NSW 2871

"Glenroy", 658 acres for a perfect starter block or additional property.

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266.60 ha
“Glenroy,” 266.6 Ha (658 acres), offers a great opportunity to purchase an excellent mixed farming operation. With prudent pasture rotation in place, the soil is in great condition and full of nutrients, as proven by the current oat crop, which was grown with minimal inputs and is currently being cut for hay with massive yield potential (as seen in photos).

Although “Glenroy” has mainly been run as a grazing block in the past, it would equally be suited to cropping given its high percentage of arability.

The property is timbered with mainly box and scattered belah. The soil type is predominantly red loam, running into heavier grey soils.

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