Farm For Sale: Greenethorpe, NSW 2809
226.22 ha
Comprising (226Ha*) 559acres*, with approx 90% of the property being arable mix of red loam & alluvial spring fed creek flat soils.
Cowra & Grenfell 30km, Orange & Bathurst 130km, Canberra 190km & Sydney 290km
The property comfortably carries some 800 merino ewes & 1,040lambs 'finished' per year in a normal season plus cash crops. The current owner has been running 1,100ewes and lambs for the past 12months consistantly while this year the owner has sown some 197acres* to a mix of Wheat & Oats, 65acres* lucerne, Blansa and white clovers, rye grass, with the balance in native pastures.
The property has provided excellent water supply to the owners livestock, through a highly reliable spring creek, being equipped with a new solar submersible pump, supplying concrete water troughs throughout the majority of the property, via a poly header tank, along with 10 ground dams & springs.
• Property size (226.3Ha) 559acres
• Building entitlement for a home, with many ideal sites with exceptional views
• Soils consist of high quality alluvial creek loam, strong red loam, red granite & grey loam
• Modern 18x10m machinery & raised board, 3 stand shearing shed with concreted dual purpose machinery parking
• Extensive, galvanized (1,000head) working sheep yards with drench race, drafting & loadout
• 50tonne* twister grain silo
• Dual frontage to Tyagong creek with year round water supply & new solar pump on a pontoon float
• 10 reliable ground dams & 7 concrete livestock troughs, supplied via a 5,000gal header tank
• Central laneway system makes ease of livestock management
• Good sound fencing throughout, mostly of ringlock/wire / barb and netting
• 197ac* Wheat & Oats crops exc, 60acres* lucerne, Blansa & white clovers, rye grass & balance native pasture
• Fenced to 11 main paddocks
• Runs 2,640 DSE's per year – 4.7DSE's per acre* with supplement sown crops, that also lock up for harvest
• Average rainfall of 634mm ('24-25')
"Eastview" provides an excellent opportunity as productive mixed farming & grazing property, with quality loam soils, ideal warmer season Winter growth country, being ideal for cereal grain/hay, livestock finishing & lucerne hay production.
Josh Keefe
0436 926 866
Michael Kennedy
0497 288 726
Cowra & Grenfell 30km, Orange & Bathurst 130km, Canberra 190km & Sydney 290km
The property comfortably carries some 800 merino ewes & 1,040lambs 'finished' per year in a normal season plus cash crops. The current owner has been running 1,100ewes and lambs for the past 12months consistantly while this year the owner has sown some 197acres* to a mix of Wheat & Oats, 65acres* lucerne, Blansa and white clovers, rye grass, with the balance in native pastures.
The property has provided excellent water supply to the owners livestock, through a highly reliable spring creek, being equipped with a new solar submersible pump, supplying concrete water troughs throughout the majority of the property, via a poly header tank, along with 10 ground dams & springs.
• Property size (226.3Ha) 559acres
• Building entitlement for a home, with many ideal sites with exceptional views
• Soils consist of high quality alluvial creek loam, strong red loam, red granite & grey loam
• Modern 18x10m machinery & raised board, 3 stand shearing shed with concreted dual purpose machinery parking
• Extensive, galvanized (1,000head) working sheep yards with drench race, drafting & loadout
• 50tonne* twister grain silo
• Dual frontage to Tyagong creek with year round water supply & new solar pump on a pontoon float
• 10 reliable ground dams & 7 concrete livestock troughs, supplied via a 5,000gal header tank
• Central laneway system makes ease of livestock management
• Good sound fencing throughout, mostly of ringlock/wire / barb and netting
• 197ac* Wheat & Oats crops exc, 60acres* lucerne, Blansa & white clovers, rye grass & balance native pasture
• Fenced to 11 main paddocks
• Runs 2,640 DSE's per year – 4.7DSE's per acre* with supplement sown crops, that also lock up for harvest
• Average rainfall of 634mm ('24-25')
"Eastview" provides an excellent opportunity as productive mixed farming & grazing property, with quality loam soils, ideal warmer season Winter growth country, being ideal for cereal grain/hay, livestock finishing & lucerne hay production.
Josh Keefe
0436 926 866
Michael Kennedy
0497 288 726
Contact Owner/Agent
"*" indicates required fields