Farm For Sale: Mundulla, SA 5270
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211.00 ha
211 Hectares (522 acres) Less than one km from Kongal' the property fronts the Cannawigara road. Generally flat with soils of heavy loam over limestone. Well cleared and most suitable for broad acre cropping. Fenced into 7 paddocks and watered via an electric submersible pump equipped bore. This pumps to three concrete tanks and then reticulates to stock troughs. Includes 2 paddocks sown to Schooner barley (76Ha) showing great potential. Pastures comprise quality lucerne stands and sub clover and currently carrying merino sheep. Improvements include 2 older machinery sheds and a raised barn. Some of the districts earlier history can be seen with the wonderful original stone building and dry stone walls.
Carew Park' is magnificent cropping or grazing country.
AUCTION: Thursday 29th October 2009 at 1.00pm in the Mundulla Memorial Hall
Full Information Memorandum available from the agents Mack Bailey 0427 974 228 and Darryl Napper 0429 640 234
Carew Park' is magnificent cropping or grazing country.
AUCTION: Thursday 29th October 2009 at 1.00pm in the Mundulla Memorial Hall
Full Information Memorandum available from the agents Mack Bailey 0427 974 228 and Darryl Napper 0429 640 234
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