Farm For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272
Balanced Grazing Country Dundee Lucindale 194Ha (480Acres)
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194.25 ha
Nicely balanced grazing country comprising majority loamy flats with rising sandy loams. (About 140acres has been clayed). Small area of watercourse featuring red gums and blue gums. Established pastures of perennial grasses, clovers and some lucerne watered via electric pressure pump, tank and troughs from bore with additional artesian bore. Large comfortable 4 bedroom Mt Gambier stone home with 3 bathrooms, large kitchen/living room, dining room and formal lounge with s/c heater. 2 car garage with roller door under the main roof. Approximately 15,000 gallons of rainwater storage. Attractive surrounds of lawns and shrubs. 10m x 15m lock-up Mt Gambier stone workshop with power, 2 stand elevated woolshed and older sheep yards. S/F hay shed plus aquaculture enterprise. Same family ownership since 1947. Approximately 36 km from Naracoorte and only 18kms from Lucindale with school bus facilities and close to sealed road. Traditionally carried sheep but this well located grazing property would be ideal for both sheep or cattle production as well as some cropping and hay. Small stand of established blue gums. Small quarry and dams.
Well worth your consideration.
Southern Australian Livestock P/L t/as
SAL Real Estate RLA 1811
59 Smith Street Naracoorte SA 5271
Phone 08 8762 0088
Well worth your consideration.
Southern Australian Livestock P/L t/as
SAL Real Estate RLA 1811
59 Smith Street Naracoorte SA 5271
Phone 08 8762 0088
Contact Owner/Agent
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