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Farm For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586

Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586 Business For Sale: Boorowa, NSW 2586

High Productive Block


80.37 ha
Excellent productive grazing block that is a great start up block or add on block to your current operation. Tree lined boundary defines the property and gives an excellent shelter belt for stock.

Separated into 2 titles, with the option to purchase a stand alone title if you are not needing the full 198.59 acres.

Lot 102 is situated on 40.94 Ha* (101.16 Ac) and Lot 103, 39.43Ha (97.43 Ac). giving 198.59 acres of prodominately arable and fully grazable country. Beautiful soft undulating land with clay to clay loam soils, established pastures, mature trees, good fencing and excellent options to build your dream home (STCA).
Pipeclay Creek meanders through the middle of the property with trees lining the bank and new dam recently constructed.

The property is currently divided into 5 paddocks with a fenced laneway system, 2 dams and sesonal creek.

Located 1.5hrs from Canberra and 3.5hrs from Sydney, making it the tree change place to be!

For further detail, contact Rachelle Barnett: 0487 397 213.
Inspection by appointment only.

Contact Owner/Agent

"*" indicates required fields