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Farm For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272

Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272 Business For Sale: Lucindale, SA 5272

IMPORTANT LAND AUCTION Friday 3rd of April 2009, 2.00pm at the Lucindale Hall.

Contact agent

0.00 acres
Corryton Park Aggregation Conmurra via Lucindale
671.78 Ha (1660 acres) 3 Titles
Under favoured instructions from Mr R.J. Watson

To be offered for sale by Public Auction in 2 contingent lots on Friday 3rd of April 2009, 2.00pm at the Lucindale Hall.5% deposit required upon the fall of the hammer with settlement 28th May 2009

Location and Services:
Corryton Park and KC's are centrally located in the Lower South East. Fronting Legges Lane and the main Lucindale to Millicent Road. Approximately 32 kms from Lucindale, 58kms from Naracoorte and 58km from Millicent.

K.C's is predominately productive and versatile black flats with areas of slight undulation and a very small area of stony outcrop. Established pastures of subs, some strawberry, phalaris and perennial grasses.

Corryton Park Superb red-gum country being very gently undulating with a blend of soil types from red-brown loams through to black flats. Picturesque red-gum's scattered over the property giving a park-like appearance, established pastures of subs,some strawberry clover and perennial grasses.

Fencing and Water:
K.C's is very well fenced into 4 paddocks mainly plain wire with solar powered electric fencing. Watered via windmill equipped bore with large tank and concrete toughs in all paddocks. Plus there are 2 unequipped irrigation bores on 'K.C's and ETSA power is on the property. Holding water licence 13331 of 16 megs, situated in the Lacepede Kongorong Prescribed Wells Area.

Corryton Park is watered via 2 electric pumps and 6 working mills with storage tanks and troughs in all paddocks. There are also 5 unequipped irrigation bores in Hill, Yard, Pyramid and West paddocks. (refer paddock map). Corryton Park has a 36 meg holding water licence number 1331, situated in the Lacepede Kongorong Prescribed Wells Area (excellent quality water) with an average depth of approx 4 metres,
Subdivided into 25 main paddocks plus holding paddocks.

K.C's has a very good set of steel cattle yards with raceway, crush and ramp, plus implement loading concrete ramp, 50'x50' hay and implement shed enclosed on 3 sides.

"Corryton Park" has a 3 stand wool shed with good steel bugle sheep yards, plus additional 2 stand wool shed and old timber yards. Steel and mesh cattle yards,majority concreted, race, crush and loading ramp. The main timber frame home of 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms is in good sound condition whilst the 2nd home has not been lived in for several years and would require major work. 60x20 and 80x20 steel framed implement sheds, 2x2000 bale, 1x4000 bale hay sheds and 2 x grain silo's.

Carrying Capacity:
K.C's and Corryton Park have been run as one property whilst K.C's normally runs 150 breeding cows and young sheep. Corryton Park has previously carried up to 2500 breeding ewes plus replacements and 30 to 40 cows plus heifer.

These two properties represent a wonderful opportunity to acquire some of the well held and productive country in the mid south east recognised for versatility and fattening of both cattle and sheep and more recently the district has seen high returns from cropping such as canola. Legumes, barley and oilseeds. The original Corryton Park was taken up by the vendors family in 1941 with the balance of land being acquired from 1982 onwards.

For further details contact Graham Brammmer 0428 854 931
or Denis Overall 0428 838 337

Contact Owner/Agent

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