Farm For Sale: Dandaragan, WA 6507
Expressions of Interest
705.68 ha
Elders are proud to offer this unique parcel of land that has been well cared for by the owners for over 60 years. Conservatively farmed with a clover ley system keeping the ground cover to enhance microbial activity for the health of the soils.
Versatility of cropping, grazing & market gardens
Borders Minyulo Reserve which boasts white gum & heath
Located only 10 k's west of Dandaragan townsite
Undulating medium soils, gravel & yellow sands
Approx 586ha (1447 ac) croppable
120ha of perennials & tagasaste
Excellent water supply of a bore & solar panels, 1 soak & 3 dams
Improved pastures of serradella, rose clover & sub terrain clovers
Infrastructure of hay shed & Aussie steel sheep yards
Currently running 2670 Sheep
Fertiliser blend plus compost on paddock
Huge potential to enhance on what's already there, an inspection will impress.
Versatility of cropping, grazing & market gardens
Borders Minyulo Reserve which boasts white gum & heath
Located only 10 k's west of Dandaragan townsite
Undulating medium soils, gravel & yellow sands
Approx 586ha (1447 ac) croppable
120ha of perennials & tagasaste
Excellent water supply of a bore & solar panels, 1 soak & 3 dams
Improved pastures of serradella, rose clover & sub terrain clovers
Infrastructure of hay shed & Aussie steel sheep yards
Currently running 2670 Sheep
Fertiliser blend plus compost on paddock
Huge potential to enhance on what's already there, an inspection will impress.
Contact Owner/Agent
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