Farm For Sale: Mundulla, SA 5270
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956.80 ha
Beef, Prime lambs, Wool, Lucerne and Cropping
Located approximately 16 kilometres south west of Mundulla and is 18 kilometres northeast of Padthaway with bitumen road frontage. Close proximity to both Naracoorte and Bordertown the two major regional centres in the Mid and Upper South East of South Australia.
Principally medium to heavy red / grey loams over clay and limestone with some areas of lighter loams. The land is gently sloping to undulating with valuable areas of strong mallee country.
Good natural drainage greatly assists the establishment of quality lucerne stands and healthy pastures. Areas of lighter soil have been clay spread to increase
productivity. The property has been well cleared with sufficient shade and shelter remaining (mallee and hillgum).
Very well fenced into 21 main paddocks with most paddocks having direct access to a central laneway featuring a rubbled road. Water is supplied from an electric submersible pump and 2 windmill equipped bores pumping to 4 large concrete tanks reticulating water to concrete troughs in all paddocks. Fencing and water supplies are most suitable for either cattle or sheep.
In recent years there has been a major renovation project involving the establishment of quality lucerne stands, Other pastures include phalaris, veldt grass, primrose, sub clover and native grasses. Hillsview has a long and successful history of breeding and fattening cattle and producing good prime lambs. Dry land lucerne seed and barley have been harvested with very positive results. Last season (2008) a large proportion of Hillsview was sown to canola and yields were very encouraging despite the very dry finish to the season.
Neat timber framed cottage with an attractive outlook
3 stand shearing shed with sheep yards
Large set of timber cattle yards in a central location
9m x 6.4 m workshop with power connected
30m x 9m s/f implement/hay shed, second implement shed
2 t/f hay sheds
Versatile mixed farming property suited to beef cattle or prime lambs with the opportunity for some cropping and dryland lucerne seed production.
One of the best in the district!
Full Information Memorandum available from Mack Bailey 0427 974 228 or conjunctional agent, Elders Naracoorte (RLA 62833) 08 8762 2022. Expressions of Interest Closing 30/10/2009
Located approximately 16 kilometres south west of Mundulla and is 18 kilometres northeast of Padthaway with bitumen road frontage. Close proximity to both Naracoorte and Bordertown the two major regional centres in the Mid and Upper South East of South Australia.
Principally medium to heavy red / grey loams over clay and limestone with some areas of lighter loams. The land is gently sloping to undulating with valuable areas of strong mallee country.
Good natural drainage greatly assists the establishment of quality lucerne stands and healthy pastures. Areas of lighter soil have been clay spread to increase
productivity. The property has been well cleared with sufficient shade and shelter remaining (mallee and hillgum).
Very well fenced into 21 main paddocks with most paddocks having direct access to a central laneway featuring a rubbled road. Water is supplied from an electric submersible pump and 2 windmill equipped bores pumping to 4 large concrete tanks reticulating water to concrete troughs in all paddocks. Fencing and water supplies are most suitable for either cattle or sheep.
In recent years there has been a major renovation project involving the establishment of quality lucerne stands, Other pastures include phalaris, veldt grass, primrose, sub clover and native grasses. Hillsview has a long and successful history of breeding and fattening cattle and producing good prime lambs. Dry land lucerne seed and barley have been harvested with very positive results. Last season (2008) a large proportion of Hillsview was sown to canola and yields were very encouraging despite the very dry finish to the season.
Neat timber framed cottage with an attractive outlook
3 stand shearing shed with sheep yards
Large set of timber cattle yards in a central location
9m x 6.4 m workshop with power connected
30m x 9m s/f implement/hay shed, second implement shed
2 t/f hay sheds
Versatile mixed farming property suited to beef cattle or prime lambs with the opportunity for some cropping and dryland lucerne seed production.
One of the best in the district!
Full Information Memorandum available from Mack Bailey 0427 974 228 or conjunctional agent, Elders Naracoorte (RLA 62833) 08 8762 2022. Expressions of Interest Closing 30/10/2009
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