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Farm For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275

Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275 Business For Sale: Kingston Se, SA 5275

Diverse Grazing Holding with Improvements and Irrigation

Contact agent

399.80 ha
Excellent location on sealed Princes Highway just 50km south of Kingston, and 75km west of Naracoorte offering excellent exposure to stud livestock enterprises.

Irrigation systems including flood irrigation and centre pivot.
1. Section 289: Approximately 14 Halaser levelled flood irrigation. Newly constructed artesian bore-free flowing and no pumping. Sown to winter star rye grass.
2. Section 133: Approximately 45 Ha Centre Pivot Irrigation. Valley electric steel pivot. Water pumped via Cummins 4 cylinder diesel. Sown to rye grass and persian clover.
3. Section 288: Approximately 13 Halaser levelled. Water pumped via 3 cylinder lister and Centrifugal pump. Sown to strawberry clover and grasses.

Land comprises strong Hill Gum country being slightly undulating complementing the major land type being heavy clay loams over limestone. Well balanced and highly productive.

Rainfall approximately 575mm to 625mm average per annum.
Fenced into 23 main paddocks with majority of fencing being near new and in above average condition-some electric.

Stock and domestic water-majority supplied under natural pressure to tanks with floats. 1 windmill.

Pastures include phalaris, fescue, rye grass, cocksfoot, strawberry clover and some lucerne. Previous crops include cereals and persian clovers.

Strong and consistent fertiliser history.
Improvements include 3 stand wool shed, outstanding Prattley galvanised steel sheep yards on concrete flooring with modern loading ramp.
Steel cattle yards.
Timber frame home not in use.

Production has included high capacity intensive grazing in the form of finishing prime lamb and breeding sheep/lambs along with hay and some cropping.

The sale of Sahara represents an excellent opportunity to purchase a highly productive and diverse property with the efficient irrigation systems making Sahara drought proof.

Registration of Interest closing Thursday 15th November 2012 at 2.00pm at SAL, 2 Smith Street, Naracoorte SA 5271

Contact Owner/Agent

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