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Farm For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271

Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271 Business For Sale: Naracoorte, SA 5271

Conmurra Land

Contact agent

223.80 ha
- Well located on the Old Robe Road, approximately 30kms from Lucindale, 50kms from Kingston and 60kms from Naracoorte.
- Gently undulating loam with some areas of Limestone outcrops interspersed with heavier flat. Well suited to Lucerne or sub clover based annual pastures.
- Irrigation comprises approximately 40 hectare T and L centre pivot supplied by way of Cummins 4 cylinder diesel motor and pump. Shedded.
- Irrigated land dedicated to Lucerne for hay, seed and or out of season grazing. Established in 2008.
- Reliable rainfall of approximately 575mm to 625mm.
- Fenced into 10 main paddocks with approximately 2.5kms of new fencing on the western boundary.
- Livestock and domestic water supplied by electric submersible pump supplying 5 tanks including 1 squatters tank, then gravitating to troughing throughout.
- Improvements include:
- Machinery shed being lockable - partially lined and comprising kitchen, living and bedroom.
- Smaller hay shed.
- Cattle yards and sheep yards being timber and mesh.
- Power connected.

Contact Cameron Grundy 0408 843 096 for further information.

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