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Farm For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731

Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731 Business For Sale: Bunnaloo, NSW 2731


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869.00 ha
"OOLA PARK" provides a viable opportunity to acquire a traditional mixed farming operation with first class improvements that include as new fencing, undercover stock handling facilities, 4 stand shearing shed, machinery sheds, silos etc. "Oola Park" is currently home to some 1400 breeding ewes and similar numbers of weaners as well as significant hay and fodder crops. "Oola Park" is well serviced for water via 2 modern M.I.L. water outlets that would allow for more than the current 860 hectares approx, of irrigation layout to be increased should that be desired. "Oola Park" has demonstrated its versatility to the current owners for nearly 50 years. In that timeframe the property has been used for breeding & fattening sheep and cattle, grown profitable crops of wheat, rice, barley, canola, oats, tomatoes etc. "Oola Park" has the necessary raw materials to provide a myriad of farming practices that any new owner may choose to pursue. A comfortable renovated and 4 bedroom home is at the entrance to the property on a no through road. The property is in the tightly held held Bunnaloo district just north of the thriving riverside twin cities of Echuca / Moama, providing excellent shopping, educational, recreational, health, rural merchandise and livestock services. The current owners are wishing to close the current chapter & move on and offer "Oola Park" for genuine sale. Inspection highly recommended!

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